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A powerful new tool in the
fight against Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD, if undiagnosed or diagnosed late, leads to either debilitating loss of sight or blindness. Early detection is therefore vital if the progress of the disease is to be checked – an essential requirement but one that current screening techniques have for years fallen well short of meeting.

RapiDA addresses this problem with an innovative new smart digital screening process that diagnoses the disease at the earliest possible stage, when therapies can be administered to help patients continue to lead full and active lives.

RapiDA has been developed by a University of Manchester spin-out company, Mumac. Its technologies are affordable, easy to operate, have exceptional sensitivity and specificity and provide unique real-time data analysis.

The patented technology behind RapiDA has come from a team with an extremely high level of technical expertise and considerable experience of developing ophthalmic instruments and techniques. Other innovative ophthalmic products are currently in the Mumac pipeline.

Earliest possible detection

RapiDA uses dark adaptation to detect AMD at the earliest possible stage. The earlier the diagnosis, the sooner therapies can be administered to interrupt or slow down the progression of the disease and help patients to live normal lives.

Fast, simple process

The RapiDA screening process can be undertaken in just five minutes. It is easy for patients to undergo and for operators to implement.

Ultra-modern design

RapiDA’s streamlined, ergonomically designed housing is extremely compact. Its small footprint makes it ideal for busy clinics and retail outlets.

Clinical trials

RapiDA has successfully undergone extensive clinical trials funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR).

AMD: a major problem in people over 50

AMD is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK and a major problem worldwide. In this country alone it affects over half a million people.

The disease leads to irreversible blindness when undiagnosed or, as is all too frequently the case, not diagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage, by which time it is too late.

RapiDA addresses this problem by allowing the earliest possible detection,when therapies can be effectively introduced top help prevent vision loss.