Meeting unmet clinical needs through scientific developments with strong commercial potential
Mumac, a spin-out from The University of Manchester, was formed to manage the transfer of lab-based techniques into marketable products.
Proven track record
Before starting Mumac, the company’s founders – David Carden, Ian Murray and Jeremiah Kelly – had already worked together on a highly successful series of scientific projects. Many of these had commercial value and included the development of ophthalmic instruments such as the Macular Pigment Screener (MPS) and an Ocular Stress Monitor.
Formal commercial footing
Before starting Mumac, the company’s founders – David Carden, Ian Murray and Jeremiah Kelly – had already worked together on a highly successful series of scientific projects. Many of these had commercial value and included the development of ophthalmic instruments such as the Macular Pigment Screener (MPS) and an Ocular Stress Monitor.
With such a track record it was thought that further collaboration between the three should be put on a formal commercial footing and Mumac was created.
RapiDA, a fast digital dark adaptometer, is Mumac’s first product and represents a major step forward in the diagnosis and monitoring of AMD. Other innovative products are in the Mumac pipeline.